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Opened from the vaults and released for the first time to the internet comes "Bug Boy" the classic half hour TV shows featured on San Fernando Valley, California's Cable Access Channel ~ circa 1999.

Bug Boy episode 1 "I dream of Bug" was shot in 1999 after Jacqueline and Edward returned from their honeymoon in Hawaii.  The entire episode running time is 31min.  Shot on location in the Hawaiian Islands, and the Angeles National Forest, Santa Monica and North Hollywood, CA.

Bug Boy episode 2 "Rock 'n Roll Bug" was shot in early 2000 after Jacqueline and Edward aired the first episode of Bug Boy on the local Community Access Channel of Adelphia East Valley, CA.  Entire episode running time is 36min.  With flashback footage from the first episode, it features shots from Coral Springs, FL and the Angeles National Forest, North Hollywood, and Palm Springs, CA.  Also starring Jason Sechrest, Brinke Stevens, Edward Feeley and Steve Counsel as the voice of Ozzy Osbourne.

Bug Boy episode 3 "The Next Generation" filmed in 2011.  Running Time 13 min. Starring Michael Boxlietner and Edward Nyahay as Professor Vermon.

** Special thanks to co-creator Chris Zell! Click here to link to Bound and Gags Productions!