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How I Got Into SAG ~ by CJ Charles


Earning my SAG card was no easy feat.
After a year and I half of doing background work, I thought that I would never earn enough vouches to qualify for the union. Within that first year and a half- I was no closer to earning a voucher than I was when I signed up at Central Casting. I refused to flirt with various assistant directors in order to get vouches. I worked on everything from pilots to cop shows and everything in between. Background work as a non union actor can be painful. Finally, I had SAG  commercial audition for Kaiser Permanente. I auditioned twice and finally booked a union part in this commercial. I will never forget the night that I received a call from my commercial agent stating that I was going to be Taft Hartley. I was ecstatic! In all honesty, I did not really understand everything; however I did understand that I was now eligible for SAG. That was three years ago and now I am a SAG member who pays her dues proudly!

To find out more about CJ follow the links below!


Thank you for sharing your story with us CJ!  If you have a SAG story you want to share please email us at kts@krushtheserpent.com